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We welcome collaborations with trusted brands who we share a synergy with and have solutions, products and services that meet the needs of our customers and community members.

Our customers and community trust us and always look to us to point them or refer to them brands and solutions that will aid their relocation journey or their integration journey.


Increased Brand Reach and Visibility

We have a rich and active community of professionals and graduates from all over the globe, across our platforms; Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Club house, blog and our Mailing List.

Increased Sales

 Sell your products through our multiple active channels and increase revenue. Entrant to a new market: With the Benefit from gaining a new market with our diverse and wide range of audience.

Here are some numbers (Data points)

Total UK Migrants in 2020
Total UK Int'l Students in 2021
Migrants for studies
EU Int'l Students
Migrants For Work
Non EU Int'l Students


RKY Careers welcomes collaboration with partners who wish to outsource their writing needs to us. Recruiters, career coaches, Training Institute and outplacement firms that partner with us to offer our personal brand service to their clients reap multiple benefits.


To Training Institutes

Reduced workload: You are able to focus on delivering the training and pass on the CV, cover letter or linkedin optimisation services included in your package to us.We take care of your clients’ job application materials, increasing your capacity to focus on what you do best.

To recruiters

Placement Success: We ensure that your application clients’ documents represent them and your firm in the best light possible. Projecting their skills and expertise accurately. By presenting better candidates, you’ll increase your reputation and placement success rates

To Universities and Colleges

Reputation and Placement Success: The joy of every university and college is to see their students settle into a job as soon as they have graduated. We have supported numerous graduates at Bachelor’s degree as well as Masters’ degree to land their desired jobs. We take pride in the ability to bring their previous internship, placements, and other experiences to Live on their CVs and other documents.

To Immigration consultants

Reputation and Placement Success: As our services are tailored to support immigrants settling in the UK. We are able to help in completing the immigration and integration cycle, by holding the hands of your clients as they land in the UK. We have recorded numerous successes of immigrants who landed in the UK and landed a job, even from their first week, as a result of using our services, which are aimed to help project their skills, sell their value appropriately and land them their desired jobs